- Stamps
- First Day Covers
- Miniature Sheets
- Special Commemorative Covers
- Year Books and Year Packs
- Thematic Books and Thematic Packs
- Presentation Packs and Folders
- Booklets
- Caps, Mugs, T-shirts, Pen Holders, Key Tags, and other items which can be produce using images of the issued stamps.
- Philatelic Accessories
Apart from Philatelic accessories all the other productions
directly related with the stamps issued. Therefore stamp is the
main product of the Philatelic Bureau. Stamps can be divided in to three categories as;
- Definitive Stamps
- Commemorative Stamps
- Commemorative Stamps
- Personalize Stamps
- Revenue Stamps
Definitive stamps are issued for day to day postage purposes and Revenue stamps are issued for revenue collecting purposes where Commemorative stamps are mainly issued for fulfill stamp collectors requirements but those stamps also use for the postage purposes. Stamp collectors collect all three categories depending of their desire.
Personalize stamps are issued in a request of person or institution for their commemoration with requested acceptable image and very limited number of stamps are being printed(6 or 15) and also only that requested party can use for postage.
- Direct purchase facilities of stamps and other related items from Philatelic Bureau at Colombo and sub Bureaus at Matara and Kandy and Communication Locals at main Post Offices around the Country.
- Standing Order facilities for both local and foreign collectors where they can deposit some money in Philatelic Bureau and open an account and get the stamps and related items to their homes with the face value of the stamps without any postage free. They can continue this process continuously by reloading money as and when their accounts become less.
- Casual Order facility for both local and foreign collectors where they can pay for Philatelic Bureau to get the stamps and related items they required to their homes with the face value of the stamps without any postage free.
- Issuing Special Commemorative covers.
- Supply stamps and related items to foreign agents.
- Participating Stamp Exhibitions both local and foreign.